by Rosanne Parry
Young boy is the son of a rancher, with four older brothers all gone off to school or enlisted. His father is on active duty in Iraq as well. He struggles to keep the ranch running with his grandparents, worrying all the while about his father\’s absence and safety. Their mom seems to be out of the picture. I thought I would like this kid, with his soft heart for the ranch animals, but I found it hard to connect to the story for some reason. The older brothers were confusing hard to keep straight when I failed to find them interesting, and the strong religious bent got in the way of my enjoying the story. I was actually disappointed when I lost interest. I\’m sure it\’s a great book, it just wasn\’t for me.
Once again, this was a novel I was tempted to try due to a glowing review. I have to tell myself to have more reservations about trying YA or Jfiction anymore. More often than not I find myself bored or disappointed- I\’m just not the target audience at this point! Please see what some more appreciative readers had to say below.
Abandoned …….. 161 pages, 2009
more opinions:
Read to Me
Abby the Librarian
Dawn Reviews Books