Total books read- 98
Fiction- 41
YA- 2
Historical- 2
Fantasy- 5
J Fic- 15
Picture Books- 7
Animals- 12
Non-fiction- 57
Memoirs- 8
J Non-fic- 2
Nature- 2
Animals- 51
other formats–
ebooks- 0
Short Stories- 5
Graphic Novels- 4
Owned- 57
Library- 39
Review copies- 2
abandoned books- 8
No surprises here: I read more nonfiction and even more animal books, wrote about a few picture books that interested me. Somehow the count is off, but that\’s probably because I didn\’t keep a running tally this year and figuring out all the numbers by going through lists of posts is a bit confounding- but it doesn\’t matter too much. You get the general picture. I read more of my own books this year, and crossed a few off my TBR lists as well.
Favorite books of the year? I really must say it was H is for Hawk. Other books that really stand out in my memory were animal related as well: Fish Behavior was a perfect match for my growing interest in the home aquarium inhabitants. Wesley the Owl was amusing, intriguing and personal, on a bird I know so little about. A book that really wowed me with fascinating new information was The Soul of an Octopus. Paul Gallico\’s The Abandoned was just lovely, a story of friendship and what it must be like to really be a cat. On a completely different note, I must also mention Women Who Run with the Wolves. It\’s one I recommend highly. So dense with rich material on strength of self, all drawn from mythological figures and fables featuring women.