by Wilfrid Sheed
This author writes very candidly about his experiences dealing with a number of severe illnesses: polio when he was a young teen, depression and addiction, and finally cancer. His whole point seemed to be, not so much about finding inner strength or describing his experiences, but to extol the joys discovered when you finally feel better. That it\’s worth being sick or unhappy because when the body finally recovers and the light shines again, the feeling of wholesomeness is amazing. At least, that\’s what I gathered from the introduction and the thirty-odd pages I read. I was curious about the polio episode but it\’s not actually much about what it\’s like to live through polio. He writes more about his emotional state of mind, which is intriguing and insightful at first, but so meandering without much grounding in actual events or conversations, that my mind was seriously wandering and I had to pass on this one.
Abandoned 252 pages, 1995
One Response
Sorry this was a stinker.