Found this book browsing the shelves, it was right alongside Path of the Puma. Not nearly as good, though- at least for me. I had a good inkling from the jacket and flyleaf descriptions that this one was going to be more about people and politics surrounding efforts to save Florida panthers than it would be about the cats themselves, but I was still willing to give it a read. I never got settled into the pages, though. It has a ton of detailed information about policy-makers, panther trackers, early studies on their whereabouts and land use, captive breeding efforts, why development was allowed to happen in crucial panther habitat lived, how Texas cougars were brought in to diversify the gene pool, and so on. But there’s far more about the people involved- and I just did not care about all their background histories and physical appearances. There’s lots on politicking and how data was wrongly presented, with long-reaching consequences, but not enough of the facts I actually like reading about animals. Plus the humorous asides and wordplay here just did not appeal to me. I actually skimmed the entire book, slowing down for the final chapter which had a bit more of interest for me.
Borrowed from the public library.