Yesterday, took a drive to visit a nice used bookstore. This is what I brought home! Swallows and Amazons has been on my out-of-print want-to-find radar for a while, Further Adventures of Lad is an old favorite from childhood I was happy to re-encounter, the rest just look good and I’m hoping I’ll like them!
Here’s more book piles: my middle-schooler decided to clean out her bookcase. She feels she’s outgrown the picture books, and was ready to donate them but I said no-o-o, we can’t give away Curious George or Toot and Puddle! The Little House is a treasure! I’m not letting you get rid of Oley the Sea Monster. And we have to keep all the Frances books (and so on- I exclaimed my way all through the entire pile while sorting).
So there’s a huge stack in the hallway (another pile is getting donated but it’s much smaller) while I figure out where to shelve them elsewhere in the house (those in my own room are full to overflowing again). Time to get some reading done, and get those book piles tidied up!
I just have to decide now, if I want to add all these picture book titles to my LibraryThing catalog. Would make sense to do so.