at my public library:
How Far the Light Reaches by Sabrina Imbler
Unraveling by Peggy Orenstein
Hope Beneath Our Feet edited by Martin Keogh
The Girl with No Name by Marina Chapman
Birds Art Life by Kyo Maclear
The Talk-Funny Girl by Roland Merullo
Lifesaving Lessons by Linda Greenlaw
Common Ground by Rob Cowen
not at my library:
Squirrels by Brian Wildsmith
Mississippi Possum by Miska Miles
The Porpoise Watcher by Kennth S. Norris
On Becoming a Biologist by John Janovy
Taking Animals Seriously by David Degrazia
Here Be Dragons by Dennis McCarthy
Time of the Turtle by Jack Rudloe
Mysteries of Animal Intelligence by Brad Steiger
More Cunning Than Man by Robert Hendrickson
The Leafcutter Ants by Holldobler and Wilson
Carnivores by David W. MacDonald
Victims of Science by Richard Ryder
Regarding Animals by Arnold Arluke
Deep Country by Neil Ansell
A Hive of Bees by John Crompton
Extraordinary Pheasants by Stephen Green-Armytage
In Search of the Golden Frog by Marty Crump
Alive in the Wild edited by Victor Cahalane
On Rare Birds by Anita Albus
Cretaceous Sea by Will Hubbell
A Story Like the Wind by Laurens van der Post
Kings of Colorado by David E. Hilton
The Queen of Spells by Dahlov Ipcar
Beast of Never, Cat of God by Bob Butz
Wildlife Artists at Work by Patricia van Gelder
Nature I Loved by Bill Geagan
The Carnivores by R.F. Ewer
The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner
A Wild Life by Dick Pitman
Polar Bears by Ian Stirling
Back in Keith County by John Janovy
A Tale of Two Families by Dodie Smith
Castle Merlin by Ursula Moray Williams
4 Responses
If you want a copy of Cretaceous Sea, let me know and I can send it along. 🙂
O yes please, that would be great! Is it any good, though? what did you think
Oh ha, actually I just found your review. Sounds like part will be good, and part fairly awful. But I’ll give it a try!
Hopefully you’ll like it! It’s on its way. 🙂