I’ve been spending just as much time of my free time puzzling as reading, lately. So here’s another one. While the picture isn’t a big favorite of mine (my eighteen-year-old commented on how old fashioned it looked) I really enjoyed putting this one together. The pieces had such crazy shapes! Some perfectly ordinary two knobs, two holes. And then all kinds of weird shapes, some very skinny, others tiny little wedges. Quite a few that looked like edge pieces, but weren’t. I didn’t mind at all, in fact I find these the most fun to assemble.
It was missing one piece, right in the middle. I made a replacement. Not that great up close,
but it fit nicely into the finished puzzle. (See the last image in assembly slide show)
My husband gave up trying to find it, and he looked twice. My artist friend who visited however, spotted it within seconds. She’s got a good eye!
Finished size 19 x 26″.

2 Responses
Nicely done. That piece you created fits in really well; would have never known it wasn’t an original if you hadn’t pointed it out