This book is really silly, but I can see why it’s so popular and made it onto that puzzle collage. And it’s become a whole series- I might just go look for more of them, while I’m still in need of easy things to read. So these farmer’s cows have discovered an old typewriter in the barn and figured out how to use it. The clacking noise is annoying enough, but then one day the cows start writing the farmer notes. Insisting that he do things to improve the farm, to their benefit. Next the chickens join in with their own demands. When the farmer does nothing, the cows and chickens go on strike, refusing to give him milk and eggs. He tries to solve this problem using the duck as an intermediary- but finds in the end, that while he’s resolved his initial disagreement with the cows, other difficulties are on the horizon. All because of a typewriter. Made me laugh.
Borrowed from the public library.