This puzzle was lovely, if quite different from my others. It’s a long narrow panoramic, makes me think of a banner or scroll. The box didn’t show the entire image, but there’s a poster included that’s exactly the same size as the puzzle, and came all rolled up. The pieces are thick and very shiny, and quite rectangular. They look like might have a lot of false fits, but after a few tries it was easy to tell which snugged into the right place. Did cause a lot of finger pain. I used gloves with this one. I really like the picture. So many interesting little details, made me think of a medieval tapestry (and I listened to some Mediæval Bæbes while doing it, haha). I took a bunch of extra pictures to show them to you, because can’t quite make out much from the whole picture image.
Among many other creatures, there’s a blue monkey
a porcupine
two peacocks (this one more demure)
hunting dogs, a rabbit same size as the fox
a lady holding a stoat (brings to mind the painting Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci)
a baby unicorn in someone’s arms
and two winged deer. I think this is the first picture I’ve ever seen of flying deer (Santa’s reindeer don’t count. They don’t have wings).
And in the background through the whole image, flowers and other plants that look like I ought to recognize them. My husband says the unicorns look very French. I found this article about the artist.
Finished size 13 x 38″. Completed on 1/4/24