Yes, I did like this one better, that has short snippets of storyline following the year, and stand-alone panels. The unicorn does go bowling with Phoebe for a few pages, and it’s funny. Marigold gets the hiccups, which cause sparkle explosions, and Phoebe tries to “cure” them. Phoebe gets the unicorn involved in her piano practice. Marigold copies the cat, sitting in boxes to look cute. Phoebe and her dad compare technology eras. She geeks out over homework. The frenemy Dakota makes fun of her clothes on a Youtube channel, but Marigold reminds her not to change herself to please others. The unicorn cheats at cards and chess, changes the weather (very locally, as in right over Phoebe’s head), and tells unicorn fables about the moon and stars. Phoebe attends a unicorn summer camp this time, and feels quite out of place. Marigold continually demands to be admired, and have her perfection recognized. All familiar, and amusing.
Borrowed from the public library.