Phoebe has Max over for a slumber party. Marigold gives Phoebe a spell to help her focus in school, but she focuses on all the wrong things. The unicorn gets stuck staring at her reflection again, and Phoebe tries to find a way to make that not happen anymore. Phoebe and the unicorn jump rope, and Dokota wants to join them. They find a platform treehouse, but it belongs to a goblin. Phoebe tries to make herself a superhero costume for Halloween, and then Marigold gives her three superpowers, which turn out to be absurd. Phoebe catches a unicorn illness. She neglects her homework, being too caught up in reading a book (that made me smile). Marigold spends time with another child who is sad, and Phoebe gets jealous. The unicorn takes her first bubble bath. Phoebe complains about group projects at school, and for once doesn’t do her part. But really the only page that made me laugh out loud had Scrabble on it.
Borrowed from the public library.