Camping is just one short segment in the middle, and it was cute. Ordinary camping this time with the family, except a unicorn comes along of course. And then on a walk they meet a unicorn who has left unicorn society to live alone in the woods. He extols the quiet, rustic life- and then admits to doing gaming on a solar-powered computer. Phoebe’s friend Max enthusiastically joins in. Hilarious. Little bits throughout of Phoebe and Marigold continuing to learn about each other. The unicorn uses magic to solve things, except when she can’t. Phoebe is starting to get along better with Dakota, except she’s suspicious of Dakota’s motives at first. Marigold shows Phoebe how fleeting and silly fads are. Marigold uncharacteristically feels sad one day, and Phoebe tries to cheer her up with apples.
Borrowed from the public library.