I wondered at the cover of this one: it’s not like Phoebe to want fame and tons of attention, is it? Phew, not it’s not really, she’s pretty much the same Phoebe- geeking out over the excitement of what they learn in school, over-excelling on her homework, discussing things with her unicorn friend. Who creates a brief unicorn fad of wearing t-shirts proclaiming that humans are cool, and goes on a unicorn radio program to show off her “expertise” on humans. Phoebe is offended when she hears it. There’s stuff about the tooth fairy being real (and having ulterior motives), about Dakota’s inexplicable popularity with the goblins, and how useless certain chores are- but they make you feel accomplished. Phoebe and Dakota finally admit maybe they can actually be friends, though Dakota is very blunt about the fact that she’ll still make fun of Phoebe in public if it boosts her social status. Phoebe and Marigold go to a waterpark, where the unicorn releases her “shield of boringness” so everyone will stare at her and Phoebe can skip ahead in line (was that the ‘famous’ part?) Phoebe frets about why she cares what Dakota thinks of her, and reflects on how people are too attached to their smart phones. She makes her own Halloween costume, and it starts to fall apart in the middle of a parade, but turns out great anyway.
Borrowed from the public library.