Marigold’s presence attracts other magical animals and beings to Phoebe’s house- resulting in pixies flitting around and a phoenix temporarily blocking the doorway, demanding answers to riddles. Phoebe uses “unicorn rules” to play chess with Max- she’s cheating, but he still wins. Marigold and Phoebe visit a corn maze, for completely different reasons. Phoebe is excited when she finds out that Marigold knows an actual ghost, and wants to meet it. The ghost is very small, which is disappointing. Marigold gets blocked by a tree gnome. Dakota misses the goblins, so Marigold and Phoebe try to help. They do not manage to patch things up, and finally decide that sometimes it’s better to just let things be, when a friendship ends. The first school dance comes around, but Phoebe doesn’t go. Her dad bemoans changing online platforms (I can relate). The unicorn tornado event only happens on the last few pages, it wasn’t a whole long storyline like I was half-dreading, so that was okay!
Borrowed from the public library.