by Mac Barnett
While I was away, my mother took the children to the library several times, as evidenced by piles of unfamiliar picture books in my apartment. I\’ve been enjoying reading them with my three-year-old. My favorite has to be Extra Yarn. The sparse, expressive illustrations by Jon Klassen are delightful, and the story even more so.
It starts like this: a girl named Annabel who lives in a cold, gray town, finds a box filled with colorful yarn. She knits a sweater for herself and her dog. Then for her friends, her classmates, teacher, eventually all the pets and people in town (even a guy who doesn\’t want a sweater- he wears shorts in the snow- gets something: she makes him a hat). Every time she finishes knitting, there is still yarn left in the box. So she knits sweaters for things that don\’t usually need them- trees, houses, etc. The town becomes very colorful! Now Annabel becomes famous, people come to see the knitting and the marvelous box and a rich duke who loves clothes wants to buy it. Annabel won\’t sell, for any ridiculous price. He steals the box of yarn, but of course it all turns out well in the end. I love the way the pictures tell the story, and the final message. Lovely.
Rating: 4/5 40 pages, 2012
more opinions:
Story Seekers
Children\’s Book Almanac
3 Responses
That looks adorable!
That sounds like a lovely book! I'm sure my youngest would like it, particularly because she's so interested in crafts (right now, she's only working/playing with potholder loops, but she'll move onto yarn soon enough!).
It's so nice I want to add it to my kids' bookshelf. I think my older sister would love it too- she does a lot of knitting!